Why “The Burning Log”?

“When a log that has only just started to burn is placed next to one that is burning fiercely, and after a while they separated again, the first log will be burning with much greater intensity. After all, it’s the same fire.”

Eckhart Tolle

The Fire is Presence.

Presence is a state of consciousness beyond thought.
To be present requires that you know that you are not your thoughts.
When you separate your self from your thoughts, this is called mindfulness.
Presence requires the profound understanding that past and future are illusions and that the present moment is all there is.
With presence comes the realization of who you are, beyond form and thought; who you are in essence. Presence is the gateway to recognizing and experiencing the joy of human existence; the joy of being.

This is the fire I want to share with you.
This is the fire I want you to share with me.



All photos and video created by Tony Edwards. ©The Burning Log 2024